Peripheral Neuropathy

Reverse pain and discomfort of peripheral neuropathy so that you can take your life back.

Peripheral Neuropathy is nerve damage that causes symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, swelling, or muscle weakness to the extremities; damage is often noticed in the feet first.

Loss of balance from peripheral neuropathy can cause injuries from head wounds to broken hips. People might be afraid to participate in friendly get-togethers and favorite pastimes if they’re worried about falling, and that’s no way to live. We want to help you reclaim your independence while we work to help you regain physical sensations.

With time and dedication, if this condition is caught early enough, peripheral neuropathy can be reversed. The ailment is widely misunderstood and understudied in the medical world, and many providers claim nothing can be done to change it, but that’s simply not true. We feature evidence-based treatments that will reduce your pain rather than mask the symptoms with medications. Your future isn’t destined in a wheelchair or a nursing home—not if you take urgent action to change your health habits today.

We’re proud to be one of the most sought after clinics for reversing peripheral neuropathy symptoms. People who suffer from this life-altering condition travel across the entire Virginia, Maryland, and DC region to our office.

From Dr. Shandon Thompson:
"I’m Dr. Shandon Thompson, my team and I are dedicated to helping you get out of pain and get back to feeling great again. Call us and tell us about your pain or health issues and set up a free consultation to discuss the treatment option that will best get you back to optimum health. We’re here to help you just like we’ve helped thousands of others just like you."

We thoroughly investigate the root cause(s), as you can have more than one cause. There can be elevated blood glucose,  vitamin deficiency, injuries, or take a medication that causes nerve damage. We don’t believe in cookie-cutter solutions. Every patient has unique challenges, and that requires personalized solutions.

With cutting-edge medical-grade equipment, we’ll stimulate your nerves and increase blood flow so more oxygen can flow through your system, making you feel more rejuvenated. We’ll also empower you in decreasing inflammation and providing a customized therapy plan suited specifically for your needs. 

While some of the latest innovations in technology are best done in the office, we recognize that some patients may be able to perform therapies in the comfort of home. By giving you the therapy you can do at home, we can help save you the cost of multiple visits, days off work, and child/adult care. We give you the tools, and you return for progress evaluation and treatment adjustments rather than visit our office for multiple weekly sessions.